
Illustration of sediment layers beneath snowy landscape

Inquiring Minds

Colgate has recently received more than $1.3 million in grants for faculty research from the National Science Foundation. The research will shed light on the past, present, and future of the humans, organisms, and systems that make up our world.
Illustrations of the various eras of the Hamilton Movie Theater

Reel History

Hamilton Theater: Here’s Looking At You, Kid
Professor working with child on ipad

The Science of Slumber

At Colgate's Child Sleep and Physiology Lab, assistant professor Lauren Philbrook studies the effects of environmental stressors on children's sleep.
Illustration of woman with baby with visible gut biome

Going With Her Gut

Robin Flannery ’02 is taking a closer look at the benefits of probiotics for babies.
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Real-World Research

A cross section of research projects undertaken by Colgate students over the summer.
professor Ken Segall in dramatically lit computer lab

Big Brain Theory

Microsoft-funded research envisions computer chips that behave like human neurons.
Coffman teaches Laotian children how to use a tree borer to sample Asian swamp cypress.

A Majestic Discovery

Gretchen Coffman ’91 is leading efforts to restore the critically endangered Asian swamp cypress tree.