
professor Ken Segall in dramatically lit computer lab

Big Brain Theory

Microsoft-funded research envisions computer chips that behave like human neurons.
Coffman teaches Laotian children how to use a tree borer to sample Asian swamp cypress.

A Majestic Discovery

Gretchen Coffman ’91 is leading efforts to restore the critically endangered Asian swamp cypress tree.
Beth Parks working with student

Power to the People

Physics and astronomy professor Beth Parks works to make solar power feasible in Uganda.
Javier Padilla Rios sitting down outside

Poetic Connections

After graduating from Colgate a decade ago, English professor Javier Padilla '10 has returned to the Hill to share his passion for Irish literature.
Illustration of person observing sun morphing into coin

Deep Impact

Four alumni helped compile the nation’s biggest-ever report on the effects of climate change.
Jann Vendetti examines snail fossils with student

Slime Time

Biologist Jann Vendetti ’01 finds fascination in the study of snails and slugs.