(2023 unless otherwise noted)
- Leland J Markley ’44, July 6; Atlantic Beach, FL. Commons Club; Debate Society; Washington, DC, Study Group; cross country; indoor track.
- Charles W Reinhart ’46, Nov 18, 2022; Bellingham, WA. Phi Kappa Psi.
- William Oberfelder ’48, July 17; Baltimore, MD. Masque and Triangle, swimming.
- Joseph N Mockaitis ’49, May 15, 2020. Alpha Tau Omega, Colgate Thirteen, Glee Club, Masque and Triangle, Maroon Key, Konosioni, football.
- Leonard L Hayes ’50, April 20; South Weymouth, MA. Alpha Tau Omega.
- Donald E Hook ’50, March 20, 2022; Wexford, PA. Alpha Tau Omega, baseball, basketball.
- Richard S Judge ’50, May 25; Rochester, NY. Willow Society.
- Paul L Pileckas ’52, May 24; Rome, NY. Phi Gamma Delta, Sailing Club, student government, swimming, hockey.
- Douglas M Tibbals ’52, Dec 15, 2022; Sag Harbor, NY. Phi Kappa Tau, Marching Band, ROTC, Colgate Thirteen.
- Harry E Hoyt ’54, Feb 17; Media, PA. Tau Kappa Epsilon; ROTC; Washington, DC, Study Group.
- Stephen M Murphy ’55, June 24, 2022; Moraga, CA. Sigma Nu, Salmagundi, football, indoor track.
- John W Warner Jr ’55, July 19; Leesburg, VA. Phi Delta Theta, WRCU, indoor track, cross country.
- Robert I Beckler ’56, Sept 9; Naples, FL. Willow Society, soccer.
- Philip R Geis ’56, Aug 27, 2021; Wappingers Falls, NY. Theta Chi, Outing Club, Glee Club, Sailing Club.
- William A Munzer ’57, Feb 15; Asheville, NC. Theta Chi, Outing Club.
- A David Thomas ’57, June 4; Malone, NY. Phi Delta Theta, Willow Society, Salmagundi, WRCU, concert orchestra, basketball.
- Waldron Kraemer ’58, Oct 6; Sarasota, FL. Kappa Delta Rho; WRCU; International Relations Council; Washington, DC, Study Group; swimming.
- Wilbur P Dershimer Jr ’59, June 4; Longwood, FL. Phi Kappa Tau, WRCU, Masque and Triangle, Take Two Film Committee.
- David A Doyle ’59, Oct 3; Roseville, CA. Alpha Tau Omega, Konosioni.
- David R Clutter ’60, June 19; Port Charlotte, FL. Sigma Chi, Glee Club, tennis.
- Peter A Sears ’60, Oct 30; West Chester, PA. Phi Kappa Tau; Maroon; Maroon Key; Marching Band; Washington, DC, Study Group; Konosioni; Willow Society.
- Victor J Cino ’61, July 2, 2022; Cresskill, NJ. Phi Kappa Psi, Konosioni, Maroon Key, student government, soccer, lacrosse.
- Aldo O Cipriano ’61, Oct 31, 2021; Woodbury, CT. Sigma Nu, Colgate Thirteen.
- Ralph KB Clay ’61, May 27; Santa Maria, CA. Delta Upsilon, Outing Club, Sailing Club.
- Richard C Gulbin ’61, Oct 5; Johnson City, NY. Phi Gamma Delta, basketball.
- Kevin P Phillips ’61, Oct 9; Naples, FL. International Relations Council; Washington, DC, Study Group.
- David A Eastwood ’62, June 3; Moultonborough, NH. Phi Gamma Delta, Salmagundi, Outing Club, soccer, indoor track.
- Timothy C Martin ’62, Aug 29; Danville, CA. Sigma Nu, Maroon Key, Salmagundi, Konosioni, student government, rugby, indoor track, swimming.
- William A Garrett Jr ’63, May 15; Naples, FL. Sigma Chi.
- Bruce L Hutchins ’63, Oct 14; Onset, MA. Maroon Key, Colgate Thirteen, Marching Band, student government.
- Philip D Raymond Jr ’63, Oct 7; Fayetteville, NY. Phi Gamma Delta, football, baseball.
- Robert B Adams ’64, Sept 23; Reading, PA. Phi Delta Theta, Maroon Key, football, indoor track.
- Joyce English Delorey MA’64, May 7; Portland, ME.
- Edward R Gomoll ’64, July 6; Tahoe City, CA. Theta Chi, WRCU, Outing Club, Maroon, Sailing Club, student government, soccer.
- Priit J Vesilind ’64, Nov 3; Manassas, VA. Phi Gamma Delta, Colgate Thirteen, Maroon Key, Marching Band, swimming.
- Carol Hollander Butzow MA’65, July 19, 2020; Indiana, PA.
- Douglas R Reynolds ’65, March 11, 2020; Atlanta, GA. Phi Kappa Tau.
- Lee H Woodward ’65, May 1; Camarillo, CA. Delta Upsilon, baseball, basketball.
- Edward W Edmunds ’67, July 15, 2021; Durham, NC. Delta Upsilon, football, indoor track.
- Richard A Rasche ’67, July 1, 2022; McDonough, GA. Marching Band.
- Charles H Genrich ’68, Oct 31; Fairfax Station, VA. Outing Club; Maroon; WRCU; Masque and Triangle; student government; Washington, DC, Study Group; Konosioni.
- Robert A Lusardi ’68, May 27; Florence, MA. Phi Kappa Tau, International Relations Council, Konosioni, student government, Glee Club.
- Dale W Smith ’70, Sept 10; Bowling Green, OH. Willow Society.
- Frank W Barrie ’72, Oct 1; Albany, NY. Colgate Thirteen, London History Study Group.
- J Scott Finlay ’72, Oct 23; Manlius, NY. Theta Chi; Washington, DC, Study Group.
- Louis M Gamble ’72, May 12; Aurora, IL. University Studies Group, student government, rugby, track.
- Thomas E Guiley ’72, May 28; Loudonville, NY. Sigma Chi.
- Dennis J Sullivan ’72, May 10; Longmeadow, MA.
- William J Green ’74, Oct 6; Queensbury, NY. Phi Kappa Tau, Marching Band.
- Jane S Hinckley ’77, Oct 11; Bryn Mawr, PA. Student government, ice hockey, softball.
- Candace Beck ’78 Tanner, July 19; Columbia, CT. Marching Band, crew team, varsity crew team, ice hockey.
- Elizabeth G Holmes ’79, July 2, 2021; Shelter Island Heights, NY.
- Peter R Field ’88, Sept 28; Huntersville, NC. Alpha Tau Omega.
- Cheryl A Schoonmaker ’94, June 6; Albany, NY. Student theater, university theater, crew team, varsity crew team.