Michael Blanding

Joe Cazzavino headshot

The Contamination Cleaner

Through his company Cherokee Investment Partners, John Mazzarino ’74 cleans up environmentally contaminated businesses, which profits investors while also benefiting the environment.
Joe Mendelson with Tesla logo

Driven by Climate Activism

Throughout his career, Joe Mendelson '88 has worked to improve fuel standards — beginning as a lawyer before the Supreme Court and now as a Tesla executive.
Illustration of person observing sun morphing into coin

Deep Impact

Four alumni helped compile the nation’s biggest-ever report on the effects of climate change.
Jann Vendetti examines snail fossils with student

Slime Time

Biologist Jann Vendetti ’01 finds fascination in the study of snails and slugs.
Peter Feldman '04 in front of the White House

To Serve and Protect

Peter Feldman '04, newly-appointed commissioner of the Consumer Product Safety Commission, discusses the responsibility of a career in public service.