It’s the smell of barbecue, the sound of song, and 50 students dancing to the “Cupid Shuffle.” Listen: Keiona Williams ’24 is singing “Someone Like You” by Adele as a murmur of networking students fills ALANA’s patio. It’s ALANAPalooza — a yearly gathering that promotes and celebrates Colgate’s multicultural organizations alongside student performances.

Here are some highlights from ALANAPalooza 2023:

→ Representatives from several multicultural student organizations, including Brothers and the Black Student Union, promoted their clubs.
→ The Colgate Resolutions took to the stage for an a cappella concert.
→ Bill Luo ’26 and Vivian Jiang ’26 of Cha ’Gate — a Thought Into Action entrepreneurship start-up that aims to introduce Asian culture to the campus by selling bubble tea — served their drinks.
→ Wellness resources and campus partners, including representatives from Chapel House, the Office of Counseling and Psychological Services, the Sustainability Office, and the Office of Off-Campus Study, connected with students.