Autumn 2015Colgate Love Stories Colgate Love Stories Autumn 2015: Skip Cornelius '80 and Nancy Schulte '80 were destined to be together, even as they struggled to be on campus at the same time!
ConnectMarriages, Births, and In MemoriamSummer 20152 Marriages, Births, and In Memoriam Summer 2015: A roundup of marriage, birth, and in memoriam announcements for the Colgate community.
ConnectMarriages, Births, and In MemoriamSpring 2015 Marriages, Births, and In Memoriam Spring 2015: A roundup of marriage, birth, and in memoriam announcements for the Colgate community.
Colgate Love StoriesSpring 2015 Colgate Love Stories Spring 2015: Mark Pettit ’08 and Emily Good ’08 first met while racing through an inflatable obstacle course in the spring of their first year.
Marriages, Births, and In MemoriamWinter 2015 Marriages, Births & In Memoriam Winter 2015: A roundup of marriage, birth, and in memoriam announcements for the Colgate community.
Autumn 2014ConnectMarriages, Births, and In Memoriam1 Marriages, Births & In Memoriam Autumn 2014: A roundup of marriage, birth, and in memoriam announcements for the Colgate community.
ConnectMarriages, Births, and In MemoriamSummer 20141 Marriages, Births & In Memoriam Summer 2014: A roundup of marriage, birth, and in memoriam announcements for the Colgate community.
Marriages, Births, and In MemoriamSpring 2014 Marriages, Births & In Memoriam Spring 2014: A roundup of marriage, birth, and in memoriam announcements for the Colgate community.