Connecting multicultural alumni with Colgate, current students, and each other through fellowship and mentorship.


Portrait of Regine Cooper

Video profile: Rêgine Cooper ’19

Ask people who know Rêgine Cooper and they’ll tell you she is gregarious, driven, positive, and energetic. Ask the political science major and educational studies minor from Ft. Myers, Fla., about herself and she’ll say, “I constantly tell myself, ‘Be great.’”
Portrait of Jackson Patterson ’17

The GateWay with Jackson Patterson ’17

“Live in the moment. Build that ethic of hard work because once you build it, it stays with you,” said economics major Jackson Patterson ’17. The day he committed to play lacrosse at Colgate was the same day doctors diagnosed him with cancer. His senior year, cancer free, he was captain of the team. Watch his story.