April 2
Superfoods, Frank 5pm–7pm
Featured item: spicy collard greens

April 4
Donovan’s Pub Special: Dixie Chicken Salad (chicken, bacon jam, pimento cheese, and kale cabbage slaw)

April 5
Fueling Your Unique Lifestyle (FYUL), Frank dinnertime.
Featured item: kale and quinoa salad with red grapes at the Rooted Station

April 7
Table 13 Brunch: Frank
Theme: spring brunch. Menu highlights: pea and mint salad, roasted leg of lamb, fine herb strata, spring herbed new potatoes, balsamic marinated berries

April 8
DIY, Grain Bowls, Coop lunch
Menu highlight: taste of the Southwest (black-eyed peas, brown rice, corn salsa, chive dressing)

April 9
Superfoods, Coop 11am–1pm
Featured item: blueberry, cantaloupe, and spinach salad with feta

April 11
Donovan’s Pub Special: Pimento Cheesy Burger  (pretzel hoagie, Angus beef patty, pimento cheese, onions, lettuce, and tomatoes)  

April 14
Table 13 Brunch, Featuring Feast of the Fishes
Menu Highlights: cioppino, ginger steamed cod, fried bay scallops

April 16
Superfood: Hieber Cafe, 11:30am–1:30pm
Featured item: spinach salad with fresh strawberries

Student Focus Groups: sign up to participate in one of seven focus group sessions for students to share their thoughts and experiences with Colgate Dining. Learn more.

April 17
Teaching Kitchen: Frank Dining Hall, dinnertime.
Learn how to make a fast and healthy meal with roasted chicken, quinoa, and lime dressing.

April 18
Donovan’s Pub Special: Deep Sea Taco (fresh catfish, shredded cabbage, pico de gallo and served on a warm tortilla)

Battle of the Chefs, Frank Dining Hall, 6 pm
Three student groups battle to become Colgate’s Ultimate Chef. Registration opens April 8 in Frank Dining Hall.

April 21
Table 13 Brunch: Frank
Theme: spring brunch. Menu highlights: baked ham, scalloped potatoes, crème fraiche scrambled eggs with chives and roasted rainbow trout with grapes

April 22
Earth Day — Farm to Form
Frank lunchtime: local chef tasting menu
Frank dinnertime: local meal at the Comforts station

April 23
Superfood Tuesday: Frank lunchtime
Featured item: dinosaur kale and beets with citrus dressing  

April 25
Donovan’s Pub Special: hip chick sub (chicken, corn, green onion, tomatoes, cheddar cheese, steamed red potatoes, crispy biscuit croutons, and buttermilk ranch aioli.   

April 28
Table 13 Brunch: Frank
Theme: BBQ brunch. Menu highlights: pulled pork and coleslaw, hot dogs and hamburgers on the grill outside, smoky mac-n-cheese, and baked beans

April 30
Superfood Tuesday: Coop lunchtime
Featured item: spinach salad with fresh strawberries